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GAPS (Global Architecture of Planetary Systems) is a project resulting from an open call to the Italian scientists active in the field of exo-planetology to join the multifaceted expertises present in the community with the aim of optimizing the science return of HARPS-N open time, functional at gaining a prominent position of Italian scientists in the international context.

This site collects documents and information useful to the GAPS team. See the GAPS public web pagefor general information on GAPS.

The GAPS project in Italy acknowledges the support by INAF through the "Progetti Premiali" funding scheme of the Italian Ministry of University and Research.

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This page is managed by Andrea Bignamini

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx gaps-people-v29.xlsx r2 r1 manage 65.1 K 2020-03-04 - 09:51 AntonioMaggio Membership list v29
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx gaps-people-v29b.xlsx r1 manage 65.4 K 2020-04-27 - 09:22 AntonioMaggio Same as V29, just re-sorted by "Family Name"
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Topic revision: r135 - 2024-04-18 - AndreaBignamini
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