Recent Changes in GAPS Web retrieved at 11:05 (GMT)

Statistics for GAPS Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Welcome to the 1 twiki web GAPS (Global Architecture of Planetary Systems) is a project resulting from an open call to the Italian scientists active in the field...
GAPS Data Shared in the Reserved GAPS Area on Yabi Phase Name PROGRAM Coordinator Remarks GAPS1 Known Planets (KP) GAPS SilvanoDesidera...
GAPS Membership Request Documents GAPS PublicationPolicy.pdf: GAPS Publication Policy GAPS DataPolicy.pdf: GAPS Data Policy GAPS CodeOfConduct.pdf:...
Sample Selection Lista delle targets con dati raccolti da I. Pagano excel including maps: (format: xlsx, about 10 Mb) CODE name3 name4 name...
GAPS Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GAPS web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
AOT 38 January 2019 RiccardoClaudi 2018 12 30 Observing schedule for JANUARY 2019 are the following (UPDATED 2018 12 30) : Excel File with the time count...
TNG Workshop Rome, Inaf HQ, 21 Feb 2012 GAPS: Science: Presentation made by A: Sozzetti GAPS: Rational and project organization (PDF): (PPT): Presentation...
RiccardoClaudi 2019 03 26 AOT 38 MARCH 2019 RiccardoClaudi 2019 03 09 Observing schedule for MARCH 2019 are the following (UPDATED 2019 03 09) : Excel File...
From To Status 10 01 2014 New folder
RiccardoClaudi 2014 03 02 Observing schedule for MARCH 2014 are the following : Excel File with the time count (Updated 2014 03 23): AOT29 MARCH Nights V...
RiccardoClaudi 2019 02 16 AOT 38 FEBRUARY 2019 RiccardoClaudi 2019 02 16 Observing schedule for FEBRUARY 2019 are the following (UPDATED 2019 02 16) :...
RiccardoClaudi 2013 12 23 Observing schedule for DECEMBER 2013 are the following : Excel File with the time count (Updated 2013 12 23). INSERTED THREE DIFFERENT...
RiccardoClaudi 2013 04 22 The APRIL nights schedules: New Schedule (2013 04 22) AOT27 APRIL Nights V1.2.xlsx
Extended Board Telecon 3 Nov 2014 dal PMP della Publication Policy, con note di G. Micela
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
RiccardoClaudi 2013 07 04 The Observing schedule for July are the following: Excel File with the time count: AOT27 JULY Nights V1.3.xlsx The observing sequence...
Title: The GAPS Programme at TNG XXX: Atmospheric Rossiter McLaughlin effect and atmospheric dynamics of KELT 20b Data: HARPS N spectra of Kelt 20 First author:...

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