Difference: NewUserTemplate (1 vs. 20)

Revision 202013-04-10 - TWikiContributor


My Links

My Personal Preferences

  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg
  • Fixed pulldown menu-bar, on or off. If off, the menu-bar hides automatically when scrolling.
    • Set FIXEDTOPMENU = off

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics


Notes to TWiki Administrator:

Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.

The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

Personal Preferences

  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg
  • Fixed pulldown menu-bar of TopMenuSkin, on or off. The menu-bar hides automatically if off.
  • Fixed pulldown menu-bar of TopMenuSkin, on or off. If off, the menu-bar hides automatically when scrolling.
    • Set FIXEDTOPMENU = off

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics

META FORM name="%25SYSTEMWEB%25.UserForm"
FORM FIELD First Name FirstName
FORM FIELD Last Name LastName
FORM FIELD Titles Titles
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD Mobile Mobile
FORM FIELD Department Department
FORM FIELD Organization Organization
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Region Region
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD Image Image
FORM FIELD Status Update StatusUpdate
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 192013-01-16 - TWikiContributor


My Links

  • ATasteOfTWiki - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners

My Personal Preferences

  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg

  • Fixed pulldown menu-bar, on or off. The menu-bar hides automatically if off.
    • Set FIXEDTOPMENU = off

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics


Notes to TWiki Administrator:

Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.

The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

  • ATasteOfTWiki - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners

Personal Preferences

  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg

  • Fixed pulldown menu-bar of TopMenuSkin, on or off. The menu-bar hides automatically if off.
    • Set FIXEDTOPMENU = off

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics

META FORM name="%25SYSTEMWEB%25.UserForm"
FORM FIELD First Name FirstName
FORM FIELD Last Name LastName
FORM FIELD Titles Titles
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD Mobile Mobile
FORM FIELD Department Department
FORM FIELD Organization Organization
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Region Region
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD Image Image
FORM FIELD Status Update StatusUpdate
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 182012-09-16 - TWikiContributor


My Links


My Personal Preferences

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg
  • Fixed pulldown menu-bar, on or off. The menu-bar hides automatically if off.
    • Set FIXEDTOPMENU = off

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics


Notes to TWiki Administrator:

Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.

The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links


Personal Preferences

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:

  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg
  • Fixed pulldown menu-bar of TopMenuSkin, on or off. The menu-bar hides automatically if off.
    • Set FIXEDTOPMENU = off

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics

META FORM name="%25SYSTEMWEB%25.UserForm"
FORM FIELD First Name FirstName
FORM FIELD Last Name LastName
FORM FIELD Titles Titles
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD Mobile Mobile
FORM FIELD Department Department
FORM FIELD Organization Organization
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Region Region
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD Image Image
FORM FIELD Status Update StatusUpdate
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 172011-07-29 - TWikiContributor


My Links

My Personal Preferences

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics

  • UserList has a list of other TWiki users

Notes to TWiki Administrator:

Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.

The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

Personal Preferences

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg
  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics

  • UserList has a list of other TWiki users
META FORM name="%25SYSTEMWEB%25.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD First Name FirstName
FORM FIELD Last Name LastName
FORM FIELD Titles Titles
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD Mobile Mobile
FORM FIELD Department Department
FORM FIELD Organization Organization
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Region Region
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD Image Image
FORM FIELD Status Update StatusUpdate
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 162010-11-05 - TWikiContributor


My Links

My Personal Preferences

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • Preference for the editor, default is the WYSIWYG editor. The options are raw, wysiwyg:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics


Notes to TWiki Administrator:

Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.

The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

Personal Preferences

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics

META FORM name="%25SYSTEMWEB%25.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 152010-05-15 - TWikiContributor


My Links


My Personal Preferences

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics

Notes to TWiki Administrator:

Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.

The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

  • ATasteOfTWiki - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners

Personal Preferences

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics

META FORM name="%25SYSTEMWEB%25.UserForm"
META FORM name="%25TWIKIWEB%25.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 142009-04-17 - TWikiContributor


My Links


My Personal Data

Note: if personal data is being stored using a secret database, then it is only visible to the user and to administrators.

E-mail %USERINFO{"NewUserTemplate" format="$emails"}%

My Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off

  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).

Related Topics


Notes to TWiki Administrator:

Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.

The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

  • ATasteOfTWiki - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners
  • ATasteOfTWiki - view a short introductory presentation on TWiki for beginners

Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • More preferences
    <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
    TWiki has system wide preferences settings defined in TWikiPreferences. You can customize preferences settings to your needs: To overload a system setting, (1) do a "raw view" on TWikiPreferences, (2) copy a Set VARIABLE = value bullet, (3) do a "raw edit" of your user profile page, (4) add the bullet to the bullet list above, and (5) customize the value as needed. Make sure the settings render as real bullets (in "raw edit", a bullet requires 3 or 6 spaces before the asterisk).
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off

Related Topics


META FORM name="%25TWIKIWEB%25.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 132009-01-31 - TWikiContributor


My Links


My Personal Data

Note: if personal data is being stored using a secret database, then it is only visible to the user and to administrators.

E-mail %USERINFO{"NewUserTemplate" format="$emails"}%

My Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.
Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off

Related Topics


Notes to TWiki Administrator:

Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.

On public TWiki's on the Internet user topics are often subject to spam so you may want to limit editing to the user himself. You can do this by moving these two lines to the Personal Preferences section above. Remove the small # in front of the "Set".
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)
 The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links


Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.
Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off

Related Topics

META FORM name="TWiki.UserForm"
META FORM name="%25TWIKIWEB%25.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 122006-12-28 - TWikiContributor


My Links

My Personal Data

Note: if personal data is being stored using a secret database, then it is only visible to the user and to administrators.

E-mail %USERINFO{"NewUserTemplate" format="$emails"}%

My Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off

Related Topics

Notes to TWiki Administrator:

Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.

On public TWiki's on the Internet user topics are often subject to spam so you may want to limit editing to the user himself. You can do this by moving these two lines to the Personal Preferences section above. Remove the small # in front of the "Set".

  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off

Related Topics

META FORM name="Main.UserForm"
META FORM name="TWiki.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 112006-12-28 - TWikiContributor


My Links

My Personal Data

Note: if personal data is being stored using a secret database, then it is only visible to the user and to administrators.

E-mail %USERINFO{"NewUserTemplate" format="$emails"}%

My Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related Topics

Note to TWiki Administrator:

Notes to TWiki Administrator:
Above text is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)
Anything inside this "templateonly" section will not be copied to the home topic of the new user. It is a resource for the administrator to tailor the users home topic.
On public TWiki's on the Internet user topics are often subject to spam so you may want to limit editing to the user himself. You can do this by moving these two lines to the Personal Preferences section above. Remove the small # in front of the "Set".
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

The default topic text above is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

 Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related Topics

META FORM name="Main.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 102005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


My Links


Personal Preferences


My Personal Data

Note: if personal data is being stored using a secret database, then it is only visible to the user and to administrators.

E-mail %USERINFO{"NewUserTemplate" format="$emails"}%

My Personal Preferences

  Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related Topics

Note to TWiki Administrator:

Above text is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related Topics

META FORM name="Main.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 92005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


My Links


Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related Topics

  Note to TWiki Administrator:

Above text is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%

My Links


Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related Topics


META FORM name="Main.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 82005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

My Links

My Links

Personal Preferences (details in TWikiVariables)
  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off: (see details in TWikiPreferences)

Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)
Related topics

Related Topics


Note to TWiki Administrator:

Above text is for English speaking users. If you have a multilingual wiki community you can replace the "My Links", "Personal Preferences" and "Related Topics" sections above with the localized text below. Text enclosed in %MAKETEXT will be shown in the language selected by the user. Please note that the %MAKETEXT can be quite intimidating to new users. Consider translating above text to your own language if your community uses a non-English language. (Remove all text from %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% when you are done)

Text for multilingual wiki community, copy from here to %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%


Text enclosed in '%MAKETEXT' below will be shown in your selected language when you view the topic.

When you edit this topic for your own purposes, you are advised not to touch the MAKETEXT calls. If you want to change the text of one of the MAKETEXTed strings, just delete the call completely and replace it with your own text e.g. instead of: ---++ Personal Preferences write: ---++ My Own Setup -->

My Links

Personal Preferences

Uncomment preferences variables to activate them (remove the #-sign). Help and details on preferences variables are available in TWikiPreferences.

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off:
    • #Set LINKTOOLTIPINFO = off
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • #Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • #Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related Topics

META FORM name="Main.UserForm"
FORM FIELD FirstName FirstName
FORM FIELD LastName LastName
FORM FIELD OrganisationName OrganisationName
FORM FIELD OrganisationURL OrganisationURL
FORM FIELD Profession Profession
FORM FIELD Country Country
FORM FIELD State State
FORM FIELD Address Address
FORM FIELD Location Location
FORM FIELD Telephone Telephone
FORM FIELD InstantMessaging (IM) InstantMessagingIM
FORM FIELD Email Email
FORM FIELD HomePage HomePage
FORM FIELD Comment Comment
META PREFERENCE name="VIEW_TEMPLATE" title="VIEW_TEMPLATE" type="Local" value="UserView"

Revision 72004-08-15 - PeterThoeny


My Links

Personal Preferences (details in TWikiVariables)

  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 22
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related topics


Revision 62004-04-25 - PeterThoeny


My Links

Personal Preferences (details in TWikiVariables)

  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related topics


My Links

Personal Preferences (details in TWikiVariables)

  • Show tool-tip topic info on mouse-over of WikiWord links, on or off: (see details in TWikiPreferences)
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related topics


Revision 52003-03-26 - PeterThoeny


My Links


Personal Preferences (details in TWikiVariables)

  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related topics

Revision 42003-03-25 - PeterThoeny

My Links
  Personal Preferences (details in TWikiVariables)
  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related topics

Revision 32002-06-05 - PeterThoeny


Personal Preferences (details in TWikiVariables)

  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17
  • Style of text edit box. width: 100% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 100%
  • Style of text edit box. width: 99% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99%
  • Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related topics

Revision 22002-06-01 - PeterThoeny


Personal Preferences (details in TWikiVariables)

  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17
  • Style of text edit box. width: 100% for full window width (default), width: auto to disable.
    • Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 100%
  • Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related topics

Revision 12002-05-05 - PeterThoeny


Personal Preferences (details in TWikiVariables)

  • Horizontal size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70
  • Vertical size of text edit box:
    • Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17
  • Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your WikiName)

Related topics

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.NewUserTemplate.