RiccardoClaudi 2019 02 16 AOT 38 FEBRUARY 2019 RiccardoClaudi 2019 02 16 Observing schedule for FEBRUARY 2019 are the following (UPDATED 2019 02 16) :...
RiccardoClaudi 2013 12 23 Observing schedule for DECEMBER 2013 are the following : Excel File with the time count (Updated 2013 12 23). INSERTED THREE DIFFERENT...
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RiccardoClaudi 2013 07 04 The Observing schedule for July are the following: Excel File with the time count: AOT27 JULY Nights V1.3.xlsx The observing sequence...
Title: The GAPS Programme at TNG XXX: Atmospheric Rossiter McLaughlin effect and atmospheric dynamics of KELT 20b Data: HARPS N spectra of Kelt 20 First author:...