#VarNOP ---+++ NOP -- template text not to be expanded in instantiated topics * Syntax: =%<nop>NOP%= * In normal topic text, expands to <nop>, which prevents expansion of adjacent variables and wikiwords * When the topic containing this is used as a template for another topic, it is removed. * Syntax: =%<nop>NOP{...}%= *deprecated* * In normal topic text, expands to whatever is in the curly braces (if anything). * Note: This is deprecated. Do not use it. Use =%<nop>STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}%= .. =%<nop>ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%= instead (see TWikiTemplates for more details). * Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables, SkinsAndTemplatesVariables * Related: [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarHIDE][HIDE]], [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarSTARTSECTION][STARTSECTION]], TWikiTemplates
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Topic revision: r4 - 2012-11-15 - TWikiContributor
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