Difference: WikiName (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22003-01-12 - PeterThoeny

 Your name in WikiNotation. Usually your first and last name connected togther.
For example, Bill Clinton's WikiName is BillClinton.
For example, Tim Berners-Lee's WikiName is TimBernersLee.
Note: All users are in the TWiki.Main web. Prepend the "Main" name if you write a username in a topic, i.e. write Main.TWikiGuest to link to TWikiGuest.
HELP The home pages of registered users on this site are stored in the Main web. Prepend  Main. when you sign your username in a topic - write Main.guest to link to Main.guest.

Revision 12000-08-18 - PeterThoeny

 Your name in WikiNotation. Usually your first and last name connected togther.

For example, Bill Clinton's WikiName is BillClinton.

Note: All users are in the TWiki.Main web. Prepend the "Main" name if you write a username in a topic, i.e. write Main.TWikiGuest to link to TWikiGuest.

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