Difference: VarMETA (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

META -- displays meta-data

  • Provided mainly for use in templates, this variable generates the parts of the topic view that relate to meta-data (attachments, forms etc.) The formfield item is the most likely to be useful to casual users.
  • Syntax: %META{ "item" ...}%
  • Parameters:
    Item Options Description
"formfield" name="..." - name of the field. The field value can be shortened as described in FormattedSearch for $formfield Show a single form field
| "formfield" | name="...": name of the field. The field value can be shortened as described in FormattedSearch for $formfield
newline="...": by default, each newline character will be rewritten to <br /> to allow metadata that contains newlines to be used in tables, etc. $n indicates a newline character.
bar="...": by default, each vertical bar is rewritten to an HTML entity so as to not be mistaken for a table separator. | Show a single form field |
"form" none Generates the table showing the form fields. See Form Templates
"attachments" all="on" to show hidden attachments Generates the table showing the attachments
| "attachments" | all="on" to show hidden attachments.
title="..." to show a title - only if attachments are displayed.
template="..." to use a custom template for the rendering of attachments; default attachtables is used. | Generates the list of attachments |
"moved" none Details of any topic moves
| "parent" | dontrecurse="on": By default recurses up tree, this has some cost.
nowebhome="on": Suppress WebHome.
prefix="...": Prefix that goes before parents, but only if there are parents, default "".
format="...": format string used to display each partent topic, default "[[$web.$topic][$topic]]"
suffix="...": Suffix, only appears if there are parents, default "".
separator="...": Separator between parents, default " > ".
| "parent" | dontrecurse="on": By default recurses up tree, this has some cost.
nowebhome="on": Suppress WebHome.
prefix="...": Prefix that goes before parents, but only if there are parents, default "".
format="...": Format string used to display each parent topic where $web expands to the web name, and $topic expands to the topic name; default: "[[$web.$topic][$topic]]"
suffix="...": Suffix, only appears if there are parents; default "".
separator="...": Separator between parents; default " > ".
Generates the parent link

Revision 12005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

META -- displays meta-data

  • Provided mainly for use in templates, this variable generates the parts of the topic view that relate to meta-data (attachments, forms etc.) The formfield item is the most likely to be useful to casual users.
  • Syntax: %META{ "item" ...}%
  • Parameters:
    Item Options Description
    "formfield" name="..." - name of the field. The field value can be shortened as described in FormattedSearch for $formfield Show a single form field
    "form" none Generates the table showing the form fields. See Form Templates
    "attachments" all="on" to show hidden attachments Generates the table showing the attachments
    "moved" none Details of any topic moves
    "parent" dontrecurse="on": By default recurses up tree, this has some cost.
    nowebhome="on": Suppress WebHome.
    prefix="...": Prefix that goes before parents, but only if there are parents, default "".
    format="...": format string used to display each partent topic, default "[[$web.$topic][$topic]]"
    suffix="...": Suffix, only appears if there are parents, default "".
    separator="...": Separator between parents, default " > ".
    Generates the parent link
  • Related: METASEARCH
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.VarMETA.