Package =TWiki::Users::TWikiUserMappingThe User mapping is the process by which TWiki maps from a username (a login name) to a wikiname and back. It is also where groups are defined. By default TWiki maintains user topics and group topics in the Main that define users and group. These topics are
On this page:
ClassMethod new ($session,$impl)Constructs a new user mapping handler of this type, referring to $session for any required TWiki services.ObjectMethod finish ()Break circular references.ObjectMethod *supportsRegistration () -> falsereturn 1 if the UserMapper supports registration (ie can create new users)ObjectMethod handlesUser ($cUID,$login,$wikiname) -> $booleanCalled by the TWiki::Users object to determine which loaded mapping to use for a given user. The user can be identified by any of $cUID, $login or $wikiname. Any of these parameters may be undef, and they should be tested in order; cUID first, then login, then wikiname. This mapping is special - for backwards compatibility, it assumes responsibility for all non BaseMapping users. If you're needing to mix the TWikiuserMapping with other mappings, define $this->{mapping_id} = 'TWikiUserMapping_';ObjectMethod login2cUID ($login,$dontcheck) -> $cUIDConvert a login name to the corresponding canonical user name. The canonical name can be any string of 7-bit alphanumeric and underscore characters, and must correspond 1:1 to the login name. (undef on failure) (if dontcheck is true, return a cUID for a nonexistant user too. This is used for registration)ObjectMethod getLoginName ($cUID) -> loginConverts an internal cUID to that user's login (undef on failure)ObjectMethod addUser ($login,$wikiname,$password,$emails,$mcp) -> $cUIDthrows an Error::Simple Add a user to the persistant mapping that maps from usernames to wikinames and vice-versa. The default implementation uses a special topic called "TWikiUsers" in the users web. Subclasses will provide other implementations (usually stubs if they have other ways of mapping usernames to wikinames). Names must be acceptable to $TWiki::cfg{NameFilter} $login must always be specified. $wikiname may be undef, in which case the user mapper should make one up. This function must return a canonical user id that it uses to uniquely identify the user. This can be the login name, or the wikiname if they are all guaranteed unigue, or some other string consisting only of 7-bit alphanumerics and underscores. if you fail to create a new user (for eg your Mapper has read only access), throw Error::Simple( 'Failed to add user: '.$ph->error());ObjectMethod removeUser ($cUID) -> $booleanDelete the users entry. Removes the user from the password manager and user mapping manager. Does not remove their personal topics, which may still be linked.ObjectMethod getWikiName ($cUID) -> $wikinameMap a canonical user name to a wikiname. If it fails to find a WikiName, it will attempt to find a matching loginname, and use an escaped version of that. If there is no matching WikiName or LoginName, it returns undef.ObjectMethod userExists ($cUID) -> $booleanDetermine if the user already exists or not. Whether a user exists or not is determined by the password manager.ObjectMethod eachUser () -> TWiki::ListIteratorofcUIDsSee baseclass for documentationObjectMethod *eachGroupMember ($group) -> listIteratorofcUIDsSee baseclass for documentationObjectMethod isGroup ($user) -> booleanSee baseclass for documentationObjectMethod eachGroup () -> ListIteratorofgroupnamesSee baseclass for documentationObjectMethod eachMembership ($cUID) -> ListIteratorofgroupsthisuserisinSee baseclass for documentationObjectMethod isAdmin ($cUID) -> $booleanTrue if the user is an admin
ObjectMethod *findUserByEmail ($email) -> \@cUIDs
ObjectMethod getEmails ($name) -> @emailAddress
If $name is a user, return their email addresses. If it is a group,
return the addresses of everyone in the group.
The password manager and user mapping manager are both consulted for emails
for each user (where they are actually found is implementation defined).
Duplicates are removed from the list.
ObjectMethod setEmails ($cUID,@emails) -> booleanSet the email address(es) for the given user. The password manager is tried first, and if it doesn't want to know the user mapping manager is tried.StaticMethod *mapper_getEmails ($session,$user)Only used if passwordManager->isManagingEmails= = =false (The emails are stored in the user topics. Note: This method is PUBLIC because it is used by the tools/ script, which needs to kick down to the mapper to retrieve email addresses from TWiki topics.StaticMethod *mapper_setEmails ($session,$user,@emails)Only used ifpasswordManager->isManagingEmails = false .
(emails are stored in user topics
ObjectMethod *getMustChangePassword ($cUID) -> $flagReturns 1 if the $cUID must change the password, else 0. Returns undef if $cUID not found.ObjectMethod getUserData ($cUID) -> $dataRefReturn a reference to an array of hashes with user data, used to manage users. Each item is a hash with:
ObjectMethod setUserData ($cUID,$dataRef)Set the user data of a user. Same array of hashes as getUserData is assumed, although only{name} and {value} are used.
ObjectMethod *findUserByWikiName ($wikiname) -> listofcUIDsassociatedwiththatwikinameSee baseclass for documentation The $skipExistanceCheck parameter is private to this module, and blocks the standard existence check to avoid reading .htpasswd when checking group memberships).ObjectMethod checkPassword ($login,$password) -> $booleanFinds if the password is valid for the given user. Returns 1 on success, undef on failure.ObjectMethod setPassword ($cUID,$newPassU,$oldPassU,$mcp) -> $booleanBEWARE: $user should be a cUID, but is a login when the resetPassword functionality is used. The UserMapper needs to convert either one to a valid login for use by the Password manager TODO: needs fixing If the $oldPassU matches matches the user's password, then it will replace it with $newPassU. If $oldPassU is not correct and not 1, will return 0. If $oldPassU is 1, will force the change irrespective of the existing password, adding the user if necessary. Otherwise returns 1 on success, undef on failure.ObjectMethod passwordError () -> $stringreturns a string indicating the error that happened in the password handlers TODO: these delayed error's should be replaced with Exceptions. returns undef if no error |