Package =TWiki::NetObject that brokers access to network resources.On this page:
ObjectMethod finish ()Break circular references.ObjectMethod *registerExternalHTTPHandler (\&fn)See TWikiFuncDotPm#RegisterExternalHTTPHandlerObjectMethod *getExternalResource ($url,\@headers,\%params) -> $responseSee TWikiFuncDotPm#GetExternalResourceObjectMethod *postExternalResource ($url,$content,\@headers,\%params) -> $responseSee TWikiFuncDotPm#PostExternalResourceObjectMethod setMailHandler (\&fn)
| ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | ObjectMethod sendEmail ($text,$retries) -> $error | |||||||
> > | ObjectMethod sendEmail ($text,$tries) -> $error | |||||||
| ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < |
| |||||||
> > |
| |||||||
Send an email specified as MIME format content. Date: ...\nFrom: ...\nTo: ...\nCC: ...\nSubject: ...\n\nMailBody... |
Package =TWiki::NetObject that brokers access to network resources.On this page:
ObjectMethod finish ()Break circular references. | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | @hea | |||||||
> > | ObjectMethod *registerExternalHTTPHandler (\&fn) | |||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | Get whatever is at the other end of a URL (using an HTTP GET request). Will | |||||||
> > | See TWikiFuncDotPm#RegisterExternalHTTPHandler | |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < | only work for encrypted protocols such as https if the LWP CPAN module is
installed. | |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < | Note that the $url may have an optional user and password, as specified by
the relevant RFC. Any proxy set in configure is honored. | |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < | Optional headers may be supplied of form 'name1', 'value1', 'name2', 'value2'. Do not add a User-Agent header, it will be added. | |||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | The $response is an object that is known to implement the following subset of | |||||||
> > | ObjectMethod *getExternalResource ($url,\@headers,\%params) -> $response | |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < | the methods of LWP::Response . It may in fact be an LWP::Response object,
but it may also not be if LWP is not available, so callers may only assume
the following subset of methods is available:
| |||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | Note that if LWP is not available, this function: | |||||||
> > | See TWikiFuncDotPm#GetExternalResource | |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < |
| |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < | In the event of the server returning an error, then is_error() will return
true, code() will return a valid HTTP status code
as specified in RFC 2616 and RFC 2518, and message() will return the
message that was received from
the server. In the event of a client-side error (e.g. an unparseable URL)
then is_error() will return true and message() will return an explanatory
message. code() will return 400 (BAD REQUEST). | |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < | Note: Callers can easily check the availability of other HTTP::Response methods as follows: | |||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | ||||||||
> > | ObjectMethod *postExternalResource ($url,$content,\@headers,\%params) -> $response | |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < | my $response = TWiki::Func::getExternalResource($url); if (!$response->is_error() && $response->isa('HTTP::Response')) { $text = $response->content(); # ... other methods of HTTP::Response may be called } else { # ... only the methods listed above may be called } | |||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > | See TWikiFuncDotPm#PostExternalResource | |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < | setMailHandler( \&fn ) | |||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > |
ObjectMethod setMailHandler (\&fn) | |||||||
| ||||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > | ||||||||
ObjectMethod sendEmail ($text,$retries) -> $error
Package =TWiki::NetObject that brokers access to network resources.On this page:
ObjectMethod finish ()Break circular references. | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | getExternalResource( $url ) -> $response | |||||||
> > | @hea | |||||||
Get whatever is at the other end of a URL (using an HTTP GET request). Will
only work for encrypted protocols such as https if the LWP CPAN module is
Note that the $url may have an optional user and password, as specified by | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | the relevant RFC. Any proxy set in configure is honoured. | |||||||
> > | the relevant RFC. Any proxy set in configure is honored. | |||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > | Optional headers may be supplied of form 'name1', 'value1', 'name2', 'value2'. Do not add a User-Agent header, it will be added. | |||||||
The $response is an object that is known to implement the following subset of
the methods of LWP::Response . It may in fact be an LWP::Response object,
but it may also not be if LWP is not available, so callers may only assume
the following subset of methods is available:
is_error() will return
true, code() will return a valid HTTP status code
as specified in RFC 2616 and RFC 2518, and message() will return the
message that was received from
the server. In the event of a client-side error (e.g. an unparseable URL)
then is_error() will return true and message() will return an explanatory
message. code() will return 400 (BAD REQUEST).
Note: Callers can easily check the availability of other HTTP::Response methods
as follows:
my $response = TWiki::Func::getExternalResource($url); if (!$response->is_error() && $response->isa('HTTP::Response')) { | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | ... other methods of HTTP::Response may be called | |||||||
> > | $text = $response->content(); | |||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > | # ... other methods of HTTP::Response may be called | |||||||
} else { | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | ... only the methods listed above may be called | |||||||
> > | # ... only the methods listed above may be called | |||||||
setMailHandler( \&fn )
ObjectMethod sendEmail ($text,$retries) -> $error
Package =TWiki::NetObject that brokers access to network resources.On this page:
| ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | ObjectMethod getUrl ($protocol,$host,$port,$url,$user,$pass) -> $text | |||||||
> > | ObjectMethod finish () | |||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > | Break circular references. | |||||||
Deleted: | ||||||||
< < | Get the text at the other end of a URL | |||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > |
getExternalResource( $url ) -> $responseGet whatever is at the other end of a URL (using an HTTP GET request). Will only work for encrypted protocols such ashttps if the LWP CPAN module is
Note that the $url may have an optional user and password, as specified by
the relevant RFC. Any proxy set in configure is honoured.
The $response is an object that is known to implement the following subset of
the methods of LWP::Response . It may in fact be an LWP::Response object,
but it may also not be if LWP is not available, so callers may only assume
the following subset of methods is available:
is_error() will return
true, code() will return a valid HTTP status code
as specified in RFC 2616 and RFC 2518, and message() will return the
message that was received from
the server. In the event of a client-side error (e.g. an unparseable URL)
then is_error() will return true and message() will return an explanatory
message. code() will return 400 (BAD REQUEST).
Note: Callers can easily check the availability of other HTTP::Response methods
as follows:
my $response = TWiki::Func::getExternalResource($url); if (!$response->is_error() && $response->isa('HTTP::Response')) { ... other methods of HTTP::Response may be called } else { ... only the methods listed above may be called } | |||||||
setMailHandler( \&fn )
ObjectMethod sendEmail ($text,$retries) -> $error
Package =TWiki::NetObject that brokers access to network resources.On this page:
| ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | ObjectMethod getUrl ($host,$port,$url,$user,$pass,$header) -> $text | |||||||
> > | ObjectMethod getUrl ($protocol,$host,$port,$url,$user,$pass) -> $text | |||||||
Get the text at the other end of a URL
setMailHandler( \&fn ) | ||||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > | ||||||||
ObjectMethod sendEmail ($text,$retries) -> $error | ||||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > | ||||||||
Package =TWiki::NetObject that brokers access to network resources.On this page:
ObjectMethod getUrl ($host,$port,$url,$user,$pass,$header) -> $textGet the text at the other end of a URLsetMailHandler( \&fn )
ObjectMethod sendEmail ($text,$retries) -> $error