Package =TWikiTWiki operates by creating a singleton object (known as the Session object) that acts as a point of reference for all the different modules in the system. This package is the class for this singleton, and also contains the vast bulk of the basic constants and the per- site configuration mechanisms. Global variables are avoided wherever possible to avoid problems with CGI accelerators such as mod_perl.On this page:
StaticMethod getTWikiLibDir () -> $pathSTATIC method. Returns the full path of the directory containing TWiki.pmObjectMethod *UTF82SiteCharSet ($utf8) -> $asciiAuto-detect UTF-8 vs. site charset in string, and convert UTF-8 into site charset.ObjectMethod *writeCompletePage ($text,$pageType,$contentType)Write a complete HTML page with basic header to the browser. $text is the HTML of the page body (<html> to </html>) This method removes noautolink and nop tags before outputting the page.ObjectMethod *writePageHeader ($query,$pageType,$contentType,$contentLength)All parameters are optional.
ObjectMethod redirect ($url,...)Generate a CGI redirect to $url unless (1) $session->{cgiQuery} is undef or (2) $query->param('noredirect') is set to a true value. Thus a redirect is only generated when in a CGI context. The ... parameters are concatenated to the message written when printing to STDOUT, and are ignored for a redirect. Redirects the request to $url, via the CGI module object $query unless overridden by a plugin declaring aredirectCgiQueryHandler .
StaticMethod *isValidWikiWord ($name) -> $booleanCheck for a valid WikiWord or WikiNameStaticMethod *isValidTopicName ($name) -> $booleanCheck for a valid topic nameStaticMethod isValidAbbrev ($name) -> $booleanCheck for a valid ABBREV (acronym)StaticMethod isValidWebName ($name,$system) -> $booleanSTATIC Check for a valid web name. If $system is true, then system web names are considered valid (names starting with _) otherwise only user web names are validObjectMethod *readOnlyMirrorWeb ($theWeb) -> ($mirrorSiteName,$mirrorViewURL,$mirrorLink,$mirrorNote)If this is a mirrored web, return information about the mirror. The info is returned in a quadruple:
ObjectMethod getSkin () -> $stringGet the currently requested skin pathObjectMethod getScriptUrl ($absolute,$script,$web,$topic,...) -> $scriptURLReturns the URL to a TWiki script, providing the web and topic as "path info" parameters. The result looks something like this: "http://host/twiki/bin/$script/$web/$topic".
ObjectMethod getPubUrl ($absolute,$web,$topic,$attachment) -> $urlComposes a pub url. If $absolute is set, returns an absolute URL. If $absolute is set, generates an absolute URL. $absolute is advisory only; TWiki can decide to generate absolute URLs (for example when run from the command-line) even when relative URLs have been requested. $web, $topic and $attachment are optional. A partial URL path will be generated if one or all is not given.ObjectMethod getIconUrl ($absolute,$iconName) -> $iconURLMap an icon name to a URL path.ObjectMethod *mapToIconFileName ($fileName,$default) -> $fileNameMaps from a filename (or just the extension) to the name of the file that contains the image for that file type.ObjectMethod getOopsUrl ($template,@options) -> $absoluteOopsURLComposes a URL for an "oops" error page. The @options![]()
ObjectMethod *normalizeWebTopicName ($theWeb,$theTopic) -> ($theWeb,$theTopic)Normalize a Web.TopicNameInput: Return: ( 'Web', 'Topic' ) ( 'Web', 'Topic' ) ( '', 'Topic' ) ( 'Main', 'Topic' ) ( '', '' ) ( 'Main', 'WebHome' ) ( '', 'Web/Topic' ) ( 'Web', 'Topic' ) ( '', 'Web.Topic' ) ( 'Web', 'Topic' ) ( 'Web1', 'Web2.Topic' ) ( 'Web2', 'Topic' ) ( 'Main', 'Web2.Topic' ) ( 'Main', 'Topic' ) ( 'TWiki', 'Web2.Topic' ) ( 'TWiki', 'Topic' )Note: Function renamed from getWebTopic SMELL: WARNING: this function defaults the web and topic names. Be very careful where you use it! ClassMethod new ($remoteUser,$query)Constructs a new TWiki object. Parameters are taken from the query object.
ObjectMethod *finishComplete processing after the client's HTTP request has been responded | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | to. Right now this only entails one activity: calling TWiki::Client to flushing the user's session (if any) to disk. | |||||||
> > | to. Right now this does two things:
| |||||||
Added: | ||||||||
> > | environments | |||||||
ObjectMethod writeLog ($action,$webTopic,$extra,$user)
ObjectMethod writeWarning ($text)Prints date, time, and contents $text to $TWiki::cfg{WarningFileName}, typically 'warnings.txt'. Use for warnings and errors that may require admin intervention. Use this for defensive programming warnings (e.g. assertions).ObjectMethod writeDebug ($text)Prints date, time, and contents of $text to $TWiki::cfg{DebugFileName}, typically 'debug.txt'. Use for debugging messages.StaticMethod *applyPatternToIncludedText ($text,$pattern) -> $textApply a pattern on included text to extract a subsetObjectMethod inlineAlert ($template,$def,...) -> $stringFormat an error for inline inclusion in rendered output. The message string is obtained from the template 'oops'.$template, and the DEF $def is selected. The parameters (...) are used to populate %PARAM1%..%PARAMn%ObjectMethod *expandVariablesOnTopicCreation ($text,$user) -> $text
StaticMethod entityEncode ($text,$extras) -> $encodedTextEscape special characters to HTML numeric entities. This is not a generic encoding, it is tuned specifically for use in TWiki. HTML4.0 spec: "Certain characters in HTML are reserved for use as markup and must be escaped to appear literally. The "<" character may be represented with an entity, <. Similarly, ">" is escaped as >, and "&" is escaped as &. If an attribute value contains a double quotation mark and is delimited by double quotation marks, then the quote should be escaped as ". Other entities exist for special characters that cannot easily be entered with some keyboards..." This method encodes HTML special and any non-printable ascii characters (except for \n and \r) using numeric entities. FURTHER this method also encodes characters that are special in TWiki meta-language. $extras is an optional param that may be used to include additional characters in the set of encoded characters. It should be a string containing the additional chars.StaticMethod entityDecode ($encodedText) -> $textDecodes all numeric entities (e.g. {). Does not decode named entities such as & (use HTML::Entities for that)StaticMethod urlEncode ($string) -> encodedstringEncode by converting characters that are illegal in URLs to their %NN equivalents. This method is used for encoding strings that must be embedded verbatim in URLs; it cannot be applied to URLs themselves, as it escapes reserved characters such as = and ?. RFC 1738, Dec. '94:> ...Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters $-_.+!*'(), and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.Reserved characters are $&+,/:;=?@ - these are also encoded by this method. SMELL: For non-ISO-8859-1 $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet}, need to convert to UTF-8 before URL encoding. This encoding only supports 8-bit character codes. StaticMethod urlDecode ($string) -> decodedstringReverses the encoding done in urlEncode.StaticMethod isTrue ($value,$default) -> $booleanReturns 1 if$value is true, and 0 otherwise. "true" means set to
something with a Perl true value, with the special cases that "off",
"false" and "no" (case insensitive) are forced to false. Leading and
trailing spaces in $value are ignored.
If the value is undef, then $default is returned. If $default is
not specified it is taken as 0.
StaticMethod *spaceOutWikiWord ($word,$sep) -> $stringSpaces out a wiki word by inserting a string (default: one space) between each word component. With parameter $sep any string may be used as separator between the word components; if $sep is undefined it defaults to a space.ObjectMethod enterContext ($id,$val)Add the context id $id into the set of active contexts. The $val can be anything you like, but should always evaluate to boolean TRUE. An example of the use of contexts is in the use of tag expansion. The commonTagsHandler in plugins is called every time tags need to be expanded, and the context of that expansion is signalled by the expanding module using a context id. So the forms module adds the context id "form" before invoking common tags expansion. Contexts are not just useful for tag expansion; they are also relevant when rendering. Contexts are intended for use mainly by plugins. Core modules can use $session->inContext( $id ) to determine if a context is active.ObjectMethod leaveContext ($id)Remove the context id $id from the set of active contexts. (seeenterContext for more information on contexts)
ObjectMethod inContext ($id)Return the value for the given context id (seeenterContext for more information on contexts)
StaticMethod *registerTagHandler ($tag,$fnref)STATIC Add a tag handler to the function tag handlers.
registerRESTHandler( $subject, $verb, \&fn )Adds a function to the dispatch table of the REST interface for a given subject. See TWikiScripts#rest for more info.
sub handler(\%session,$subject,$verb) -> $textwhere:
restDispatch( $subject, $verb) => \&fnReturns the handler function associated to the given $subject and $werb, or undef if none is found. Since: TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1ObjectMethod *handleCommonTags ($text,$web,$topic) -> $textProcesses %VARIABLE%, and %TOC% syntax; also includes 'commonTagsHandler' plugin hook. Returns the text of the topic, after file inclusion, variable substitution, table-of-contents generation, and any plugin changes from commonTagsHandler.ObjectMethod addToHEAD ($id,$html)Add$html to the HEAD tag of the page currently being generated.
Note that TWiki variables may be used in the HEAD. They will be expanded
according to normal variable expansion rules.
The 'id' is used to ensure that multiple adds of the same block of HTML don't
result in it being added many times.
StaticMethod initialize ($pathInfo,$remoteUser,$topic,$url,$query) -> ($topicName,$webName,$scriptUrlPath,$userName,$dataDir)Return value: ( $topicName, $webName, $TWiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath}, $userName, $TWiki::cfg{DataDir} ) Static method to construct a new singleton session instance. It creates a new TWiki and sets the Plugins $SESSION variable to point to it, so that TWiki::Func methods will work. This method is DEPRECATED but is maintained for script compatibility. Note that $theUrl, if specified, must be identical to $query->url()StaticMethod readFile ($filename) -> $textReturns the entire contents of the given file, which can be specified in any format acceptable to the Perl open() function. Fast, but inherently unsafe. WARNING: Never, ever use this for accessing topics or attachments! Use the Store API for that. This is for global control files only, and should be used only if there is absolutely no alternative. |
Package =TWikiTWiki operates by creating a singleton object (known as the Session object) that acts as a point of reference for all the different modules in the system. This package is the class for this singleton, and also contains the vast bulk of the basic constants and the per- site configuration mechanisms. Global variables are avoided wherever possible to avoid problems with CGI accelerators such as mod_perl.On this page:
StaticMethod getTWikiLibDir () -> $pathSTATIC method. Returns the full path of the directory containing TWiki.pmObjectMethod *UTF82SiteCharSet ($utf8) -> $asciiAuto-detect UTF-8 vs. site charset in string, and convert UTF-8 into site charset.ObjectMethod *writeCompletePage ($text,$pageType,$contentType)Write a complete HTML page with basic header to the browser. $text is the HTML of the page body (<html> to </html>) This method removes noautolink and nop tags before outputting the page.ObjectMethod *writePageHeader ($query,$pageType,$contentType,$contentLength)All parameters are optional.
ObjectMethod redirect ($url,...)Generate a CGI redirect to $url unless (1) $session->{cgiQuery} is undef or (2) $query->param('noredirect') is set to a true value. Thus a redirect is only generated when in a CGI context. The ... parameters are concatenated to the message written when printing to STDOUT, and are ignored for a redirect. Redirects the request to $url, via the CGI module object $query unless overridden by a plugin declaring aredirectCgiQueryHandler .
StaticMethod *isValidWikiWord ($name) -> $booleanCheck for a valid WikiWord or WikiNameStaticMethod *isValidTopicName ($name) -> $booleanCheck for a valid topic nameStaticMethod isValidAbbrev ($name) -> $booleanCheck for a valid ABBREV (acronym)StaticMethod isValidWebName ($name,$system) -> $booleanSTATIC Check for a valid web name. If $system is true, then system web names are considered valid (names starting with _) otherwise only user web names are validObjectMethod *readOnlyMirrorWeb ($theWeb) -> ($mirrorSiteName,$mirrorViewURL,$mirrorLink,$mirrorNote)If this is a mirrored web, return information about the mirror. The info is returned in a quadruple:
ObjectMethod getSkin () -> $stringGet the currently requested skin pathObjectMethod getScriptUrl ($absolute,$script,$web,$topic,...) -> $scriptURLReturns the URL to a TWiki script, providing the web and topic as "path info" parameters. The result looks something like this: "http://host/twiki/bin/$script/$web/$topic".
ObjectMethod getPubUrl ($absolute,$web,$topic,$attachment) -> $urlComposes a pub url. If $absolute is set, returns an absolute URL. If $absolute is set, generates an absolute URL. $absolute is advisory only; TWiki can decide to generate absolute URLs (for example when run from the command-line) even when relative URLs have been requested. $web, $topic and $attachment are optional. A partial URL path will be generated if one or all is not given.ObjectMethod getIconUrl ($absolute,$iconName) -> $iconURLMap an icon name to a URL path.ObjectMethod *mapToIconFileName ($fileName,$default) -> $fileNameMaps from a filename (or just the extension) to the name of the file that contains the image for that file type.ObjectMethod getOopsUrl ($template,@options) -> $absoluteOopsURLComposes a URL for an "oops" error page. The @options![]()
ObjectMethod *normalizeWebTopicName ($theWeb,$theTopic) -> ($theWeb,$theTopic)Normalize a Web.TopicNameInput: Return: ( 'Web', 'Topic' ) ( 'Web', 'Topic' ) ( '', 'Topic' ) ( 'Main', 'Topic' ) ( '', '' ) ( 'Main', 'WebHome' ) ( '', 'Web/Topic' ) ( 'Web', 'Topic' ) ( '', 'Web.Topic' ) ( 'Web', 'Topic' ) ( 'Web1', 'Web2.Topic' ) ( 'Web2', 'Topic' ) ( 'Main', 'Web2.Topic' ) ( 'Main', 'Topic' ) ( 'TWiki', 'Web2.Topic' ) ( 'TWiki', 'Topic' )Note: Function renamed from getWebTopic SMELL: WARNING: this function defaults the web and topic names. Be very careful where you use it! ClassMethod new ($remoteUser,$query)Constructs a new TWiki object. Parameters are taken from the query object.
ObjectMethod *finishComplete processing after the client's HTTP request has been responded to. Right now this only entails one activity: calling TWiki::Client to flushing the user's session (if any) to disk.ObjectMethod writeLog ($action,$webTopic,$extra,$user)
ObjectMethod writeWarning ($text)Prints date, time, and contents $text to $TWiki::cfg{WarningFileName}, typically 'warnings.txt'. Use for warnings and errors that may require admin intervention. Use this for defensive programming warnings (e.g. assertions).ObjectMethod writeDebug ($text)Prints date, time, and contents of $text to $TWiki::cfg{DebugFileName}, typically 'debug.txt'. Use for debugging messages.StaticMethod *applyPatternToIncludedText ($text,$pattern) -> $textApply a pattern on included text to extract a subsetObjectMethod inlineAlert ($template,$def,...) -> $stringFormat an error for inline inclusion in rendered output. The message string is obtained from the template 'oops'.$template, and the DEF $def is selected. The parameters (...) are used to populate %PARAM1%..%PARAMn%ObjectMethod *expandVariablesOnTopicCreation ($text,$user) -> $text
StaticMethod entityEncode ($text,$extras) -> $encodedTextEscape special characters to HTML numeric entities. This is not a generic encoding, it is tuned specifically for use in TWiki. HTML4.0 spec: "Certain characters in HTML are reserved for use as markup and must be escaped to appear literally. The "<" character may be represented with an entity, <. Similarly, ">" is escaped as >, and "&" is escaped as &. If an attribute value contains a double quotation mark and is delimited by double quotation marks, then the quote should be escaped as ". Other entities exist for special characters that cannot easily be entered with some keyboards..." This method encodes HTML special and any non-printable ascii characters (except for \n and \r) using numeric entities. FURTHER this method also encodes characters that are special in TWiki meta-language. $extras is an optional param that may be used to include additional characters in the set of encoded characters. It should be a string containing the additional chars.StaticMethod entityDecode ($encodedText) -> $textDecodes all numeric entities (e.g. {). Does not decode named entities such as & (use HTML::Entities for that)StaticMethod urlEncode ($string) -> encodedstringEncode by converting characters that are illegal in URLs to their %NN equivalents. This method is used for encoding strings that must be embedded verbatim in URLs; it cannot be applied to URLs themselves, as it escapes reserved characters such as = and ?. RFC 1738, Dec. '94:> ...Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters $-_.+!*'(), and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.Reserved characters are $&+,/:;=?@ - these are also encoded by this method. SMELL: For non-ISO-8859-1 $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet}, need to convert to UTF-8 before URL encoding. This encoding only supports 8-bit character codes. StaticMethod urlDecode ($string) -> decodedstringReverses the encoding done in urlEncode.StaticMethod isTrue ($value,$default) -> $booleanReturns 1 if$value is true, and 0 otherwise. "true" means set to
something with a Perl true value, with the special cases that "off",
"false" and "no" (case insensitive) are forced to false. Leading and
trailing spaces in $value are ignored.
If the value is undef, then $default is returned. If $default is
not specified it is taken as 0.
StaticMethod *spaceOutWikiWord ($word,$sep) -> $stringSpaces out a wiki word by inserting a string (default: one space) between each word component. With parameter $sep any string may be used as separator between the word components; if $sep is undefined it defaults to a space.ObjectMethod enterContext ($id,$val)Add the context id $id into the set of active contexts. The $val can be anything you like, but should always evaluate to boolean TRUE. An example of the use of contexts is in the use of tag expansion. The commonTagsHandler in plugins is called every time tags need to be expanded, and the context of that expansion is signalled by the expanding module using a context id. So the forms module adds the context id "form" before invoking common tags expansion. Contexts are not just useful for tag expansion; they are also relevant when rendering. Contexts are intended for use mainly by plugins. Core modules can use $session->inContext( $id ) to determine if a context is active.ObjectMethod leaveContext ($id)Remove the context id $id from the set of active contexts. (seeenterContext for more information on contexts)
ObjectMethod inContext ($id)Return the value for the given context id (seeenterContext for more information on contexts)
StaticMethod *registerTagHandler ($tag,$fnref)STATIC Add a tag handler to the function tag handlers.
registerRESTHandler( $subject, $verb, \&fn )Adds a function to the dispatch table of the REST interface for a given subject. See TWikiScripts#rest for more info.
sub handler(\%session,$subject,$verb) -> $textwhere:
restDispatch( $subject, $verb) => \&fnReturns the handler function associated to the given $subject and $werb, or undef if none is found. Since: TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.1ObjectMethod *handleCommonTags ($text,$web,$topic) -> $textProcesses %VARIABLE%, and %TOC% syntax; also includes 'commonTagsHandler' plugin hook. Returns the text of the topic, after file inclusion, variable substitution, table-of-contents generation, and any plugin changes from commonTagsHandler.ObjectMethod addToHEAD ($id,$html)Add$html to the HEAD tag of the page currently being generated.
Note that TWiki variables may be used in the HEAD. They will be expanded
according to normal variable expansion rules.
The 'id' is used to ensure that multiple adds of the same block of HTML don't
result in it being added many times.
StaticMethod initialize ($pathInfo,$remoteUser,$topic,$url,$query) -> ($topicName,$webName,$scriptUrlPath,$userName,$dataDir)Return value: ( $topicName, $webName, $TWiki::cfg{ScriptUrlPath}, $userName, $TWiki::cfg{DataDir} ) Static method to construct a new singleton session instance. It creates a new TWiki and sets the Plugins $SESSION variable to point to it, so that TWiki::Func methods will work. This method is DEPRECATED but is maintained for script compatibility. Note that $theUrl, if specified, must be identical to $query->url()StaticMethod readFile ($filename) -> $textReturns the entire contents of the given file, which can be specified in any format acceptable to the Perl open() function. Fast, but inherently unsafe. WARNING: Never, ever use this for accessing topics or attachments! Use the Store API for that. This is for global control files only, and should be used only if there is absolutely no alternative. |