Difference: ChangeEmailAddress (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32005-03-27 - TWikiContributor


Change E-mail Address

This form is used to change your registered e-mail addresses. Your registered e-mails are used by TWiki for sending you e-mails, include notifications of password changes. The addresses you register via this form are kept secret and will not be published anywhere on this site.
This form is used to change your registered e-mail addresses. Your registered e-mails are used by TWiki for sending you e-mails, include notifications of password changes. The addresses you register via this form are kept secret and will not be published anywhere on this site.
  ALERT! Security Note: You really ought to register a valid e-mail address. If TWiki can't find a registered e-mail for you in the secret database, it will look in your user topic for a line like this:
   * Set Email = user@example.com
If your user topic is not protected from changes by other people, and you don't register an e-mail address using this form, then your user account could be hijacked by someone else.

If your old e-mail addresses are all invalid (you can't receive mail there any more) and you have forgotten your password, please contact andrea.bignamini@inaf.it for help.

Registered e-mail addresses for currently logged in user (TWikiGuest):

TWikiUsers has a list of other TWiki users.

After submitting this form your e-mail will be changed, and you will be returned to this form.
Registered e-mail addresses for currently logged in user (TWikiGuest):
  Fields marked ** are required
Your LoginName: **
Password: **
New e-mails (space-separated list): **
Your LoginName: **
Password: **
New e-mails (space-separated list): **
     (Fields marked ** are required)
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
<-- /twikiFormSteps-->
After submitting this form your e-mail will be changed, and you will be returned to this form.
If you have any questions, please contact andrea.bignamini@inaf.it.
  Related topics: ChangePassword, ResetPassword, UserToolsCategory, AdminToolsCategory
Note to administrator: This form applies only if TWiki uses a {PasswordManager} that supports storing e-mails (e.g. TWiki::Users::HtPasswdUser). Otherwise replace this topic with a note describing how to change registered e-mail in your organization).
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.ChangeEmailAddress.